Meet Scot
“My paintings reflect nature through my eyes....
the delicate balance between Everyday Life, the conservation of future
wildlife, and the hunting heritage I will pass on
to future generations.”
- Scot
Since 2004, Scot has been a large player in the conservation efforts of waterfowl and other wildlife species. Through the development and immortalization of art, we have been able to help preserve nature for family generations to come.
With a relatively new business model at the forefront of our operation, we use our product sales to help fuel multiple third party organizations efforts to preserve wildlife habitats and the native species that dwell there.
It is our dream and hope that through this process, your family’s future generations will be able to enjoy wildlife’s beautiful gifts as much as we have growing up.
our mission
preserve nature, inspire family tradition, and pass on legacy for generations to come.
What will your legacy be?

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